yeah likely a bad idea for me to make this topic as my ideas are not the best, but they can work as a good base and can be molded down to a workable idea.
lets get to the basic idea for this topic, this topic is for generic to slightly special (no snowflake but can have some either RP special traits or minor mechanic ones)
my contribution the kitsune race
Kitsune aka multi tailed fox
basic info: kitsunes hail from a small moon in a classified area of the vergo sector. not much is known about their culture except it seems to mirror early to modern Japanese culture, in many ways.
biology: kitsunes are a unique anthropomorphic fox species which can breed with any other anthro species out there. Because of this kitsunes vary greatly in look, and abilities but in this write up will focuses on the moon native species.
height: the average kitsune is between 6 inches and 9 feet in height this large variation of height this variation is caused by many things from environment to a bizarre and rare biological adaptation that allows a kitsune to change their size at will though with a huge cost to the kitsune that being that will be tired or extremely hungry on size change see rare traits bellow. though if one where to take out the strange effects the average kitsune is 6 feet tall give or take a foot.
tails: kitsunes main feature is the fact that they have a minimum of 2 tails and a max of 9 it is said that a nine tailed kitsune is one of great power in their culture... the V.O.R.E station has observed that a kitsune only gains this "power" by consuming lesser kitsunes or creatures as most do not have the desire for the power this is rare among the culture as a hole.
nine tail warning: all nine tails are great leaders and have vast power, weather that power is the ability to use a sword or gun with great skill or just being a really good cook it doesn't mater though they all seem to have a slight ego when hitting the rank of 9 tails. another thing noted about 9 tailed kitsunes is they seem to have a near infinite life spam with the oldest ones having memory of 16th century earth do to a recon mission in their past.
age and beauty: kitsunes also have a unique aging process that being that many visually stop aging between 20 and 30 years of age though some have been seen to look way older then that. many scientists believe that a kitsune only starts to look older then 30 when they want to age and that their biology allows this... blood samples have been taken for NT to make anti aging creams with.
as for beauty kitsunes rank it in two ways either by the standard one or by the tails with a 3 tail even an ugly one being considered more beautiful then a 2 tail.
hybrids: a slightly common thing to see with kitsunes is hybrids as they seem to be able to mate with any mammalian creature in existence with biology remotely like theirs. though their are two major versions of the hybrids human and k9. The human kitsune hybrid is the most common and only has three visual traits of their kitsune linage the traits being ears, eyes and tails. K9 hybrids on the other hand look almost exactly like their standard variant though the difference is in eyes and fur color, for example a grey wolf anthro and a kitsune will result in a grey furred kitsune.
culture: this is a tricky subject as NT staff are rarely allowed on the kitsunes home moon or their embassies do to a classified event involving a fox and pun pun. what is known is that their culture is similar to that of 20th century japan though with a notable difference kitsunes seem to see all life as having a purpose and have been known to go to war cause of senseless death, that being said the purpose of a life may simply be in their eyes to feed them. kitsune cultures have even been known to "tame" a xeno nest by keeping it supplied with willing victims in exchange for the corpse of dead xenos and the hatched remains of the eggs.
exports by culture: xeno chitin, industrial and military grade acids, rice, katana's, plasma katana's, laser katana's, chitin armor, battle xenos [classified], blood samples, sake, double distiled sake [has been shown to knock out a full grown dragon]
rare biological traits
none applicable though some have unique traits none of them have been studied.
special note: this is only one race of kitsune creatures out there while. This is not even the main race of kitsunes but an off shot seperated by culture for hundreds of years... in the case of study it is thought that there are many kitsune races out there and info about all is scarce.