filed by: Dr. Drake Adders
research objective: to prove or disprove the existance of a soul.
research findings: [data corrupt]
[info damaged, pulling logs... logs corrupt pulling fragmented logs]
log A-110
Dr. adders: day 46 or soul research we have finally and we have finally made a breakthrough, using high band scanning equipment aimed in spectrum's way above that emitted by any living being we have found a strange set of 52 black wave spectrum lights emitted from the brain of every living being.
log A-111
dr. Adders : Ok we have started testing with this new black wave energy emitted from all beings so far we have learned little except that if it is destroyed a being will become a walking shell barely able to act. From experiments we have turned at least 5 monkeys into shells which can be ordered to do anything we tell them to.
lost A-112
dr. Adders: further tests with the black band energy shows it can not be full destroyed as previously thought instead is just fragments if takes to much damage and regenerates over the course of 2 to 8 hours. the monkeys we though we destroyed the souls for have returned to being primal in actions which is unfortunate as one was trained to bring coffee.
log A-134
Dr. Adders: we did it we managed to destroy a black band wave in a monkey, sadly though it was worse then when fragmenting the soul and nearly destroyed the station as it took large amount of energy to do so and the generators almost blew. we are now using the souless monkey to test a theory on soul transfer.
log A-150
Dr Adders: this will be the last A log, we managed to do it, using a specially made blue space "crystal" we managed to take a soul from a mouse and put it in the monkey, as such the mouse is now a blank... we think we can use these crystals on humans but they only seem to tether the black band energy and not take it with humans.
Log A-150B
private note: we have hollowed 7 monkeys for testing of soul transfer as such if some one where to die we can try and use the event to bring them back memory and all.
log b-158
???: we had an accident today Dr. adders was killed though the black wave energy continued to emanate from his corps. some lab techs managed to use a blue space crystal to move the energy to one of the monkeys.
log B-159
???: it has been 2 days sence Dr. Adders died, while he is getting use to his new body research has halted, though we have learned that the soul doesn't remember everything while he can remember the events leading up to the accident the last thing he remembers is a blast in the south lab which happened 5 minutes before his death. We think the soul has a short term memory which can be wiped more study needed.
log B-168
dr. Adders: well it has been 3 months sense the accident, the lab techs say I should be safe to start research again. though just from this situation we have enough proof of souls to end this study. so I will lay down the work for transfer to a virgo research station. with hope they can learn more about these souls.
:> pulling side data virgo, orbital, science, station IA3
soul studies document
published :5@#&@!
After gaining the logs from Dr.adders V.O.S.S has began extensive research on their so called findings. So far we have reproduced all notes found in the files sent form the black band wave lengths to the fact they seem to hold a 100% accurate data compile of a person. Though Adders wished to use this data to prove souls exist centcom has told us to find a way to harness this energy or use the data to mine peoples memories after death.
Saddly memory mining is impossible as the "soul" seems to wipe either tramatic or dangerous memory. from testing we have been unable to find the exact cause for this. as for using this black band energy for well energy it is highly possible using special blue space crystals which can not only hold the "soul" as energy but also be used to transfer a mind from one person to another we swapped two interns mines to test this... result was well unsettling next time both will be the same gender.
Soul energy study:
using souls in the blue space crystals connected to reverce set weapon chargers we where able to test power output of this black band energy.
test soul: monkeys
acquired by: monkey cube from cafeteria
result: 2 watts of power constant for 4 hours before soul fragmentation after which produced less then 0.1 watts of energy. returning soul to monkey seemed to refresh it. though the monkey was in a coma for 4 hours after event and woke up angry.
test soul: vox raider
acquired by: raider shot during raid died near box of blue space crystals
results: 100 watts of power constant hasn't burned out yet been running for a month
test soul: human
acquired by: intern committed suicide in lab
results: crystal seemed to cuss, put out 50 watts of power for 3 hours before the subject was cloned, clone seemed dimmer then normal for first 30 minutes after cloning was told they where knocked out by the clown again.
((well this was probably a waste of a post but hey gets an idea/ lore out there))